Thursday, August 26

Want to work creatively?

Shall we switch tracks?

I spent much too long working mechanically, without even realising it. 

I mistakenly thought I was applying intellect to my work, but failed to spot the problem whilst I still made sufficient career progression.

I suspect I'm not alone, and that we fall into this trap for many different reasons.  For me the principal cause was the scientific approach drummed into me in childhood:  I'd become such an acute analyst that I invariably promoted above my own the opinions and instincts of colleagues with greater experience or greater apparent authority—surpressing most of my creative thoughts as a result. 

Becoming a thirty-something parent helped me overcome this crippling inhibition.  But if you're reading this, and there's still time, I'd like you to rise much sooner.

So why switch tracks?  If you're swayed by matters practical then consider for a moment the future of work:  In 5-10 years time, I believe that even more of our analytical thinking will migrate offshore where labour is still cheaper.  And in 20-30 years time, I believe much more of it will be done by machines.  We'll be valued most where we can listen to our customers' problems in person, and offer ideas that wouldn't occur to machines.

Perhaps more importantly, creativity is in fact ... fun.  And work needs to be fun.  Enter your second childhood if you dare, and become a real asset to your organisation.

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