There comes a time in the lives of all great (and not so great ) men where they're just juggling too many other balls to commit serious thought to that 17th concurrent activity.
So it is with this week's blog. My intention is to give you higher-than-average content, but with lower-than-average work on my part!
So without further ado, I present my top five URLs/tools on the subject of creativity at work. I hope you find them enlightening ...
1. http://www.southbeachinc.com/index.html is still top of my list. It's absolutely content-free, but its potential is massive, at least in my estimation. The assets are the simple but powerful notation and the free modelling tool which uses it. (Such is my commitment to the cause that I've taken the trouble to meet the author, and become a beta tester of new releases!)
2. Springwise is a site dedicated to product innovations. Its army of "spotters" report what they've seen, and that's compiled into a weekly newsletter available at http://www.springwise.com/newsletter/.
3. http://www.innovationmanagement.se/ is a website full of interesting material. In particular there's a weekly newsletter which always has at least one article I feel compelled to read.
4. http://www.jpb.com/report103/index.php is well worth a read too. Plenty of content extending way beyond creativity through the whole innovation lifecycle.
5. And last but certainly not least, http://mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_CT.htm is the page at Mindtools dedicated to creativity. There's plenty of advice here on using the well-known creativity techniques, some of which I've blogged about in previous posts.
Have fun with those, and I'll write properly next week (if I can be bothered!)
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